In the years 2009 and 2010, the Department of Sociology and Psychology of Management was the organiser of international conferences titled: HUMAN, WORK, ORGANIZATION - HUMANIZATION OF WORK AND CONTEMPORARY TRENDS IN MANAGEMENT, and Problems of Human Resources Management in the era of globalization. During these conferences relationships were established for with representatives of Szent István University (Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, St. Stephen's University) for the first time, which resulted in cooperation in organizing another scientific meeting. It was held at the Management Faculty of the Częstochowa University of Technology in 2011. In the following year, 2012, the conference on: Management of Human Resources 2012, Management - Leadership - Strategy - Competitiveness, was held at Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences in Godollo. At that moment, the event took the form of cyclical meetings under the common brand ICoM (International Conference of Management) and the cooperating group was extended by the scientists from the Faculty of Economics and Management, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. And it was this research unit that became the organiser of the conference in the following year. During the next edition of the conference in 2015, Mendel University in Brno joined the group of cooperating universities. And it was at this university in which another scientific meeting was held in 2016. Since then, the cooperating universities have continued regular cooperation as a part of the organization of the ICoM Conference.

The results of the mentioned scientific meetings were numerous Polish and foreign publications in the form of monographs, proceedings (also indexed in Web of Science databases) and publications in international journals.

Thanks to the established cooperation, joint research projects were also conducted. In 2023, the organization of the Conference returned to the Management Faculty of the Częstochowa University of Technology and it was the 12th edition of this Conference. The topics of the Conference included broadly understood management problems in modern organizations, with particular emphasis put on the issues of sustainable development, safety and quality. These areas will be analysed in the context of changes and crises that organizations have been forced to face in the following years.